Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Ball Diamond Rental Request

Please complete this form for your organization's request for ball diamond usage.

Note: This form is a request only and not confirmation of booking. Following submission, you will receive information with availability and contract requirements. Proof of Liability Insurance will be required as part of the completed rental contract.


Is your organization located in the Tri-Municipal Region? (Stony Plain, Spruce Grove or Parkland County)
Type of Group
Choose Diamond Class:


General Guidelines

  • Submission of rental request form does not guarantee bookings.
  • Prior to any field use, all users are required to complete and sign a rental contract
  • Proof of liability insurance in the amount of $2 million dollars naming the Town of Stony Plain as additionally insured will be provided by the user to the Town of Stony Plain prior to the completion of the rental contract.  

Sports Field Maintenance 

  • Ball Diamonds - The Town will ensure diamonds have been dragged and ready for play Monday to Friday and will provide users with a home plate on all diamonds, access to diamond lining and a drag. 

Incidental Bookings & Cancellations

  • Individual bookings (not seasonal user) made during the regular season will be considered incidental bookings and may occur randomly or regularly as availability permits.
  • Payment for incidental bookings is due at time of booking.
  • Any cancellation of incidental bookings requires 14 days’ notice to qualify for refund.
  • Cancellations due to weather conditions shall not be charged and a refund shall be provided if necessary.  A pro-rated refund may be considered for partial use.


Submission of this request acknowledges acceptance of the above terms and conditions.